Marcolian Guía para principiantes
Lemi Peasant Deck
Written By
October 23, 2024
Los mazos de Peasant están compuestos únicamente por cartas de rareza comunes y poco comunes, lo que los hace extremadamente económicos y accesibles para que los principiantes comiencen a jugar en paralelo.
Como Lemi se combina tan bien con las unidades de bajo coste y potencia al mejorarlas todas juntas, y dado que muchas de estas unidades de Marco se clasifican como cartas comunes o poco comunes, Lemi es una opción natural para un mazo campesino.
Es importante tener en cuenta que, aunque etiquetamos este mazo como «campesino», no debemos malinterpretarlo diciendo que las cartas o el mazo en su conjunto son inferiores, sino simplemente que esta configuración excluye las cartas de mayor rareza (raras y superiores), lo que lo convertiría en lo que llamamos un mazo «noble», pero hablaremos de esto más adelante.

Con un total de 21 cartas disponibles para jugar en el primer turno y 29 unidades incluidas en este mazo de 40 cartas, puedes ver que el énfasis de este mazo es empezar la partida rápidamente jugando muchas unidades de bajo coste de forma rápida y de forma rápida para conseguir ese importante control del tablero.
Recuerda que, con Marco, el objetivo debería centrarse en intentar ganar la partida lo antes posible, ya sea aplastando al oponente en el tablero con unidades o infligiendo mucho daño directamente, y con Lemi nos interesa esa primera opción.
Echemos un vistazo más de cerca a algunas de las cartas clave de este mazo para que podamos entender la estrategia general de juego y dónde están nuestras condiciones de victoria provienen de.
Cartas de juego tempranas

The Crimson Fleet Machinist is an essential card for any Lemi deck and for good reason.
With an energy cost of just 1 you can get this unit down on the first or even second turn and in doing so you’ll add a random vehicle unit in your hand ready to be played on the following next turns.
Although the Machinist has limited survivability with just 2 health, if this unit can survive on the board for when you do play a vehicle he’ll also buff that card for +1 in health thereby giving that unit even more survivability for the battles ahead!

Despite the player not being able to select Heavy Weapons Team for an attack this is another 1 cost card that a Lemi deck really shouldn’t be without.
Being able to Assault the opponent each turn is an important strategy of success for Lemi with many cards in a Marco deck reliant on that mechanic triggering in order to provide benefits in battle.
With a solid health stat of 4 and when played early the Heavy Weapons Team ensures the Marco Assault never stops as it rains down attacks on the opponent directly for 1 damage every turn!

Very few 1 cost cards in Parallel can rival the potential stats gain that a Marcolian Bannerman receives and when left on the board for long enough this 1/2 unit can grow to monstrous sizes.
The Bannerman is one of the big early threats a Marco player can present on the board especially if there are Effect cards in hand that can be played directly after the Bannerman or on the next turn.
Drop it in play and watch that Bannerman grow!

This Universal card provides players with situational versatility over firepower and can be used early game to remove low health units in your way whilst getting your own unit on the board.
Don’t expect the Mercenary Gunslinger to last long with such little health but that’s not really the job you hired him for in the first place is it?
The Gunslinger’s ability to deal damage to any target means you’ve always got a route to trigger Assault for your Marco cards and if you need someone to be finished off the Gunslinger can take care of that too.

As far as 1 cost units go it doesn’t get much more aggro than the Trigger Happy Trooper who can hit the opponent directly for a total of 3 damage.
A haphazard soldier who holds little regard for himself or those around him as his erratic attacking nature means he deals 1 damage to the controlling player every time he attacks.
This self-inflicted damage will nearly always be worth it though because even when the Trooper attacks another unit he’ll still deal 1 damage to the opponent thereby guaranteeing you Assault.

No Marcolian unit has seen more bloodshed or suffered greater horrors in battle than the Combat Veteran.
War is simply a rite of passage and a way of life for such soldiers and surrender is never an option no matter how hopeless the situation.
Combat Veterans call upon all their battle experience and inner strength to keep going which means when they deal damage in combat they continue to get stronger and a lot harder to kill.
Mid-Game Cards

Squadrons need a fast way to get their soldiers to the battlefield and for the Marcolians the Longbow Personnel Carrier or LPC for short is that vehicle.
Deploying wave after wave of LPC’s on the board after Assault has been triggered is your main win condition for a Lemi Peasant deck and should be your key focus in games.
Successive LPC deployments with the two 1/1 Fresh Recruits creates a wide board allowing you to turn a numerical advantage into serious damage when buffed from Lemi or the two units below.

The Fire Support Base is the perfect unit for Marco players to deploy directly after an LPC allowing them to instantly buff low power units to deal more damage.
A behemoth in size for the Marcolian forces as seen in the card’s art, this unit is unable to attack but its ability to support friendly units in attack and provide defensive cover more than make up for its offensive shortcomings.
Once this unit arrives on the battlefield it is the responsibility of Marco players to ensure it survives and therefore supports for as long as possible.

At a cost of 5 energy to play, the Crew Boss is the most expensive card in the Lemi Peasant deck which is why you’ll only find two copies added.
As a Universal card it functions in a similar way to the Marcolian Fire Support Base buffing other friendly units by +1/+1 but the key differences here are that it is not a Defender and it can attack.
With good base stats in damage and health and an energy cost that allows for the Crew Boss to be played straight after the Fire Support Base, this card will often be the finishing blow against your opponent if you have a wide board when played.
Effect Cards

Lemi’s strength as a deck lies in its ability to grow the board wide and buff units for extra damage but sometimes you just need to go direct too.
For a cost of 1 and dealing 3 damage to the opponent, the Crack Shot is one of the best low cost effect cards in Parallel and allows Marco players to keep the pressure up or even finish off the enemy without the need for board damage.
Find yourself in the rare situation where you can’t trigger Assault with the units you have on the board? Then get your rifle out and Crack Shot that opponent to keep your Assault streak alive!

The PS-8 Launcher is a firm favourite amongst Parallel players for its ability to remove troublesome units from play at a low cost and maintain early board control in the game.
Disrupting your opponent's play is sometimes just as important as taking the fight to the opponent and the PS-8 is a handy weapon that will help you control the board at the right moments.
Keep in mind that the PS-8 can only target units and not the opponent directly but your Marcolian Bannerman’s will still be grateful to see it used in battle.

Ran out of Crack Shots but still need a way to deal damage directly to the opponent for Assault or just to maintain pressure?
Then Determined Assault is your answer as a flexible 2 cost Effect card that hits for 3 damage and can be used to target the opponent or a unit on the board.
This flexibility and power comes at a cost though as the damage dealt is also dealt back to yourself so just make sure you have enough health before you pull the trigger!
Technical Cards

Cards which provide benefits outside of combat or opponent damage are technical cards and Marco boasts a powerful selection to help you swing the battle in your favour.
Improvised Tactics gives Marco players more options by allowing them to draw 2 cards for a cost of 2 with the added benefit of keeping both cards drawn if Assault had already been triggered.
You’ll nearly always want to play Improvised Tactics with Assault but even if you can’t, this is still a card that will grant you better decision making in your hand for the battle ahead.

Tactical Display doesn’t make it into our Lemi Peasant deck but you could easily make a case for its inclusion as this relic has the very real potential to decimate your opponent’s health in a few turns.
As a deck that revolves around playing lots of units each turn, the Tactical Display capitalises on this by dealing 1 damage to the opponent and healing you for 1 every time a friendly unit enters the field.
Not only can this trigger Assault after the first unit is played in a turn but when combined with LPC deployment this relic can single-handedly win games for Marco players with surprising ease!

Sometimes there is that one card you just need to get rid of no matter what because leaving it on the board will do more harm than good.
The PS-8 and Determined Assault are great cards to use against low health units but desperate times call for desperate measures and Repurposed Hardware is that ‘get out of jail’ card for Marco.
A powerful card that comes with a trade-off as the cost of removing the unit means adding an extra card in the enemy bank, giving your opponent more energy for the next turn so use it wisely!