Guía para principiantes de Kathari
Scipius King Deck
Written By
November 4, 2024
Hasta ahora, en esta guía, os hemos presentado un mazo campesino con cartas comunes y poco comunes, un mazo noble que añade cartas raras a la mezcla y ahora es el momento de echar un vistazo a nuestro mazo de rey Escipius, que va más allá al incluir cartas legendarias en la composición.
Al crear un mazo que incluya algunas de las cartas más raras del juego, podemos aumentar el atractivo de jugar a Scipius, que no es uno de los mazos más fuertes de Kathari, pero puede ser semicompetitivo y divertido de jugar en una configuración como esta.

Scipius es un modelo que prospera cuando el mazo se juega con el pie delantero, con jugadas rápidas y agresivas al principio y distribuyendo el tablero a lo ancho y ancho con muchas unidades.
Pero debido a la habilidad principal de Scipius, que le permite activar todos Reúne habilidades que se han activado en este juego, este mazo también se combina muy bien con cartas más grandes y caras en energía que tienen poderes Reúne habilidades para que Scipius pueda volver a activarlas y obtener un doble beneficio.
La estrategia general de este mazo al principio de la partida es similar a la de nuestro mazo Gnaeus Peasant, donde la mejor probabilidad de éxito es enjambrar el tablero con unidades de bajo coste que pueden mejorar a otras unidades o crear más clones. simbólico unidades para ampliar el campo.
Sin embargo, la diferencia aquí es que nuestro mazo Scipius no necesita ganar la partida tan pronto como el de Gnaeus y tiene mucho más poder de permanencia incluso en partidas más largas.
Con un total de 14 cartas con un coste de energía de 4 o más (de las cuales dos se pueden jugar con un coste de energía igual o superior a 7), verás que nuestro mazo Rey Escipius aprovecha las cartas de mayor rareza que contiene para conseguir un final de juego mucho más fuerte.
Echemos un vistazo más de cerca a algunas de las cartas clave de este mazo para que podamos entender la estrategia general de juego y dónde están nuestras condiciones de victoria provienen de.
Cartas de juego tempranas

In order to squeeze in as many Legendary cards as possible within this King deck we’ve opted to not include the Valerusi Striker as our primary 1 cost unit but instead we’re entrusting the mighty AZ-12 Target Painter to better control the tempo early on.
Playing the Painter on the first turn especially when going first in a game can be pivotal in developing a strong board presence early on and preventing the opponent from developing their own board.
In a Scipius King deck the Painter should be one of the cards you prioritise looking for when deciding on your opening hand at the start of games.

While the Kathari certainly aren’t lacking in numbers it doesn’t hurt to hire some outside help once in a while for the jobs where no questions will be asked and no trail will be left.
Independent contractors, bounty hunters and mercenaries are scattered far and wide across the galaxy and all available for hire through the officially sanctioned Bounty Hunter Network.
The Mercenary Gunslinger excels at finishing off low health targets and helping to control growing threats on the board. Just don’t forget to pay him!

While the Valerusi Strikers are missing from our Scipi build, the Standard Bearers return once more to ensure our clone units arrive on the battlefield stronger than ever.
This 2 cost unit is difficult to remove early in a match with 3 health so the Bearer has a good chance of surviving until your next turn.
This allows you to plan upcoming turns where you can play units which create tokens so those units also grow in power and further strengthen your dominance of the board.

The Cunning Scipian makes a return appearance also in our Scipius King deck which is an indication of how key this card is to Kathari decks in general.
With the Kathari’s strength rooted in their numbers it makes sense to include a 2 cost unit which can automatically spawn a clone token unit at the end of the turn to give us more strength in numbers!
The downside to the Scipian is its low health which makes it susceptible to low cost Effects such as the PS-8 Launcher when played on-curve so don’t expect it to survive more than one turn unless you can buff it through your other units in the deck.

Working for the Cartel has its many benefits. The money is good for one. Any problem no matter how small or big can always be ‘fixed’. And people never think to question your authority especially when that authority comes with a title.
For as long as anyone can remember, Harf has carried the title of ‘Lord’ around with the same bravado you’d expect from a Lord but whether he actually is, is anyone’s guess.
Harf’s strong influence means Effects you play cost 1 less while Effects for the enemy cost 1 more making Harf a ‘Lord’ entirely worthy of his title.

Alvaro Interrogators are included within our Scipius King deck more as a deterrent card to disrupt opponents plays rather than a card which can influence our own strategy directly.
Interrogators are especially punishing to those who play Effects with the casting player suffering a loss of 3 health every time they play an Effect.
This health drain can add up pretty quickly for decks which play a lot of Effects but with just six Effects in our Scipius deck we can subject opponents more to the cruel ways of the Interrogator rather than ourselves.
Mid-Game Cards

Just like our Peasant and Noble decks, the Aetian Subjugate is an integral part of our strategy to win with a Scipius build and is a card that should be played on-curve whenever possible.
The key to maximising value out of the Subjugate is to play as many units as possible after it is on the board in order to trigger a chain of +1/+1 buffs which can be applied to any unit of your choice.
In some cases this might even mean playing the 0 cost Tabula Rasa without cloning it to a banked unit just so the Subjugate can buff a unit and keep the board growing in power.

Equipped with the most advanced long range scanners and weapons targeting systems in the galaxy, the Gun Barge sits at the outer rim of planets or the far reaches of a space skirmish and picks off threats with alarming accuracy.
Such is the devastating range of the Gun Barge’s targeting capabilities that ships which are attacked will often struggle to lock on to the position from which they are being attacked from.
Once the battle commences and your first unit attacks in a turn the Gun Barge will use its superior weapons systems to hit any target for 2 damage.

The Convergent Centurus are considered within the Kathari ranks to be amongst the most savage fighters they have ever created with a thirst for blood far beyond what cloning efforts intended.
Under the leadership of Scipius you can deploy the Centurus onto the battlefield alongside two 1/1 Clone Convergents and whenever a unit is banked another one will answer the call and join the battle.
Once Scipius joins the battle he will trigger the Muster ability of the Centurus again allowing our board to become even wider as we go for the kill!
Legendary Cards

In the comics, Magna is sent by Aetio to investigate a mysterious vault on Earth that could hold the key to the Kathari’s genetic salvation.
As a fearless fighter and fiery character, Magna relishes the unknown and adopts a ‘shoot first and ask questions later’ approach alongside her friend and more level-headed squad mate Maritus.
With her ability to adapt to different environments, Magna allows you to choose one of three actions when you play her or do all three if a Kathari unit was destroyed on the enemy’s last turn, making Magna a legendary well worth keeping in the deck.

Kathari decks in general lack cards which can remove other cards from the game so when a unit like the Cerulean Hunter Kalare has the ability to hit another unit for 16 damage it’s a powerful way to remove big threats from the battlefield.
The Kalare needs to be destroyed itself to trigger this ability or enter the field from the waste which will also trigger 16 damage to a target unit.
A good combo to play when needing to remove an enemy unit immediately is to play the Kalare followed by the Mercenary Gunslinger who can hit the Kalare for 1 damage triggering his Aftermath.

Maritus joins Magna on their mission to Earth and proves to not only be an agile fighter but a pragmatic diplomat unlike her feisty companion.
Maritus takes full advantage of the waste by gaining the abilities of one unit plus the attack and health of another when played on the board.
This offers fun possibilities when choosing units which for example, have the ability to attack on the same turn they are played and becomes even more powerful once Scipius arrives on the field as he can trigger the Muster yet again for the killer blow.